Introduction and Overview

ARP manipulates the Internet module's ARP cache in various ways. The primary options are clearing an address mapping entry and manually setting up one. For debugging purposes, the arp program also allows a complete dump of the ARP cache. commands which reside within the library. These commands provide an interaction with the internals of the Internet stack.


Address resolution display and control
*ARP host
*ARP -a
*ARP -d host
*ARP -f file
*ARP -s host phys_addr temp pub
-a -List all ARP entries currently in the cache
-d <host>-Delete an entry from the ARP cache
-f <file>-Process file of ARP entries
-s <host>-Set ARP entry

The ARP program displays and modifies the Internet-to-Physical-address translation tables located in the Internet module and used by the address resolution protocol ARP. With no flags, the program displays the current ARP entry for host.

When setting entries, the entries will be permanent unless the word 'temp' is given in the command. The entries will be published if the word 'pub' is given. In this mode, the system will act as an ARP or Reverse ARP server, responding to requests for these hosts physical address even though it is not its own. This is not presently implemented.

Files may contain ARP entries of the form : host phys_addr temp pub

*arp -a