
Introduction and Overview

SharedSoundBuffer is a module for playing raw data using the SharedSound module. It requires SharedSound version 1.0 or later.

The module has been designed so it is easy to play sounds from any application.

Technical Details

In order to play audio data, SharedSoundBuffer is called in the background by SharedSound. This allows the module to continue in, and out of the desktop. Data may be passed during callbacks, allowing the system as a whole to run independent on any foreground application.

When streaming, an application must feed data to SharedSoundBuffer in a timely fashion. Data is supplied as arbitrary sized blocks, which are consulted in the order in which they were presented to the module. If the player runs out of data it will pause until some more data is supplied. Blocks are copied by SharedSoundBuffer, so they must only be kept for the duration of the call to AddBlock.

When the end of a buffer is reached, the player will continue seamlessly to the next buffer. The data should be frame-aligned, i.e. each block supplied should be a multiple of four bytes, but it is not necessary to ensure that they are a multiple of the SharedSound fill buffer.

A base handle is provided, this is always present and has a stream handle of zero. This does not need to be opened, and cannot be closed, and should be used by programs which only output short, atomic samples. It should not be used by programs which multi-task between adding blocks, otherwise other programs may intersperse their data in with it. It should also not be used by background routines for the same reasons.

SWI calls

SharedSoundBuffer_OpenStreamSWI &55FC0
Opens a stream
R0=flags :
0-31Reserved, must be 0.
R1=pointer to name for stream
R0=handle of created stream
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are undefined
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to open a stream prior to passing blocks. The handle returned is a 32 bit opaque word, which will never be zero. The handle zero is reserved for the base handle.

SharedSoundBuffer_CloseStreamSWI &55FC1
Closes and stops a stream immediately
R0=stream handle
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are undefined
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to close a stream, stopping playback and freeing any memory associated with it immediately. This is in contrast with SWI SharedSoundBuffer_StreamEnd, which continues playback until all data has drained.

SharedSoundBuffer_AddBlockSWI &55FC2
Adds a block to a stream's queue
R0=stream handle
R1=pointer to block
R2=block size, in bytes
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are undefined
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to add a block to be queued.

If the queue is full, the error Error_AudioQueueFull is returned and the block is not added. It will also clear the appropriate bit in the current poll word.

SharedSoundBuffer_PollWordSWI &55FC3
Sets up the buffer pollword
R0=stream handle
R1=flags :
0Supply the poll word
1Use the poll word specified
1-31Reserved, must be 0.
R1=if bit 0 of R0 set:
pointer to word
R2=if bit 0 of R0 set:
bit number to set
R0=if bit 0 of R0 clear on entry:
pointer to opaque poll word
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI sets up the poll word used by the specified stream. The poll word bit will be set when blocks are removed from the buffer, it will be cleared when a block cannot be fitted into the buffer. If the poll word is supplied by the module, it should be treated as an opaque word, and only compared with zero.

The poll word can be changed as often as is necessary.

SharedSoundBuffer_VolumeSWI &55FC4
Set the volume of output
R0=stream handle
R1=Volume, as two unsigned 16 bit values packed into a 32 bit word
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This call sets the volume of the stream.

SharedSoundBuffer_SampleRateSWI &55FC5
Set the sample rate
R0=stream handle
R1=new sample rate in 1024th Hz steps
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to set the sample rate of the data being played.

SharedSoundBuffer_ReturnSSHandleSWI &55FC6
Return the internal SharedSound handle
R0=stream handle
R0=current SharedSound handle
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to read the low-level SharedSound handle currently in use by the stream. This is a dynamic value, i.e. it may change at any time throughout the lifetime of a stream. Wherever possible you must use the defined SharedSoundBuffer calls.

SharedSoundBuffer_SetBufferSWI &55FC7
Set the stream buffer limit
R0=stream handle
R1=buffer limit in bytes
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to set the maximum amount of data which may be buffered for that stream at any time.

SharedSoundBuffer_BufferStatsSWI &52E08
Find out information about the buffer
R0=stream handle
R0=number of unplayed bytes
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to find out how many bytes are left unplayed in the buffer.

SharedSoundBuffer_PauseSWI &55FC9
Pauses playback
R0=stream handle
R1=flags :
0Resume Resumes playback.
1-31Reserved, must be 0.
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are undefined
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to pause or resume playback. While paused, sound output is silenced, but blocks will be retained and may be added, up to the usual limits.

SharedSoundBuffer_StreamEndSWI &55FCA
Closes a stream
R0=stream handle
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are undefined
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to close a stream, allowing output to continue and retaining memory buffers until they are finished. The stream handle must not be used after this has been called.


Error_AudioQueueFullError &81A140
Audio queue full

This error is returned by SWI SharedSoundBuffer_AddBlock when the block passed would cause there to be more data buffered than the threshold set with SWI SharedSoundBuffer_SetBuffer. The block passed is not added to the queue.