Index (message)

|SysVars|Entry points|Errors
|VDU codes|TBox methods
|TBox messages

ClaimEntity (&0000F)This message is broadcast by a task claiming the cut-and-paste / drag-and-drop caret, selection or clipboardCut and paste specification
DataRequest (&00010)Broadcast by a task when it wishes to paste data from a clipboard maintained by another taskCut and paste specification
Dragging (&00011)This message is sent by a sending task to a (prospective) claiming task at intervals of 0.25 second, carrying context-sensitive information about the dragCut and paste specification
DragClaim (&00012)This message is sent by a claiming task to the sending task in response to a Message_Dragging, carrying context-sensitive information about the dragCut and paste specification
FilerDevicePath (&408)Request to Filer to copy a file to a locationIcon bar file drags
FileShareDir (&408)Request a dialogue for sharing directoriesShareFS module
PlugIn_Open (&4D540)Sent by the browser to create a plug-in instanceBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Opening (&4D541)Sent by the plug-in task to say an instance has been createdBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Close (&4D542)Tell a plug-in instance to close downBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Closed (&4D543)A plug-in [instance] has closed downBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Reshape (&4D544)Move or resize a plug-in instanceBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Reshape_Request (&4D545)A plug-in instance wants to resizeBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Focus (&4D546)Move the input focus between plug-in and parentBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Unlock (&4D547)For internal use onlyBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Stream_New (&4D548)Create a new streamBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Stream_Destroy (&4D549)Destroy a streamBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Stream_Write (&4D54A)Write data to a streamBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Stream_Written (&4D54B)Accept data that was written to a streamBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Stream_As_File (&4D54C)Send stream data as a fileBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_URL_Access (&4D54D)Ask the browser to deal with a URLBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Notify (&4D54E)Signal completion of handling a URL to a plug-inBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Status (&4D54F)Send a status message to the browserBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Busy (&4D550)Signal a plug-in state change to the parentBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Action (&4D551)Send a command to a plug-inBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PlugIn_Abort (&4D552)Stop activity for a plug-in instanceBrowser Plug-in Protocol specification
PutRequest (&4E000)Requests that clipboard or selection data be sent to the ClipboardCut and paste specification
Paste (&4E001)Informs the task being pasted to or dropped upon that the data is ready to be receivedCut and paste specification
DataTypeIs (&4E002)Informs a task of the data type of the clipboardCut and paste specification
URI_MStarted (&4E380)URI handler startedURI Handler specification
URI_MDying (&4E381)URI handler dyingURI Handler specification
URI_MProcess (&4E382)process or check URIURI Handler specification
URI_MReturnResult (&4E383)return result of a dispatchURI Handler specification
URI_MProcessAck (&4E384)acknowledge URI_MProcessURI Handler specification

|SysVars|Entry points|Errors
|VDU codes|TBox methods
|TBox messages

These documents are not necessarily complete. Consult individual documents and authors for details of their completeness.